What my fellow learners thought - Evaluations

Stories from the Table
Class Evaluation

The text below includes the
evaluation and all responses received.
Click here for original evaluations in .doc or .pdf

Dear Class... Because this class is my Master's project at Cal State Fullerton in California, I need a very honest understanding from each of you. I need to be keenly aware of your response to the class and of your creative insights about how to make the experience more rewarding. Please answer the following questions (front and back of page) and send to my home address.

1. What did you gain from meeeting together for this class? What made this a rewarding experience?

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"The meaning of food has so many diversified facets as it is interwoven into our individual cultures and lives. Food symbolizes not only nourishment for our physical bodies, but substance for our social well being and a precious gift from our Supreme Creator. Food takes many highways into our lives and each individual must choose their own path. Each person must select food from their own personal background, culture, belief, access and personal preferences.

"We need to realize that food is more than nourishment for our bodies. This was reinforced and explained by lectures, field trips,films, reading eatin, and visiting an organic farm. The trip to the organic farm brought all the information into perspective by utilizing all our senses. This trip was an eye opener to our responsibility to the environment for the safety of our food supply for the future."
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"The people of the class. Each person was from a different culture + I found their ideas were the same as mine. I also loved the field trips to the local markets."
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"Diversity of students and a keen interested instructor."
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"Food is one essential form of energy that proper nourishment requires. Low calorie food as in vegetables and fruits are much better than concentrated caloric food that are purified, processed and have become pure energy without the nourishing other factors that enriches body growth and immunity. For if we attain good body health, then mental and spiritual faculties may also be enriched."
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2. What did you not gain that you were hoping to gain? What took away from the enrichment expected?

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"I gained and obtained such an abundance of information that my conclusion was; the class was much too short and should have been much longer in duration."
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"To learn how to eat + where to buy good foods. Not having more class mates limited more experience from them."
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"Where food is concerned there is never enough time to learn about local and international cuisine."
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"The endemic problem of how fresh is our vegetable + fruit. How fresh is fresh and how can we obtain that. The various visits to food growers and food retailers accompanied by discussions and pointers to the important were of great value."
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3. What would you have included or taken out of the course?

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"I would have included a longer time frame."
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"The food pyramid."
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"Leave well alone."
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"I wish we had more time to explore the mysteries of food. Certainly the two ladies that presented their experiences in quality preparations and proper nourishment could have come another time for more discussions to our mutual benefit."
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4. The purpose of the assignments that were given was to enable participants to learn more than could be learned in class. Were the assignments useful to you? What might be a better way to enable students to learn outside of class?

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"The assignments were useful and beneficial, but could have been only optional. This was a Senior Citizen class. Students that wished to meet and discuss the their different views on food could have assembled at one specific time."
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"To ask for students to team up with another person + compare ideas."
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"They worked well."
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"'Organic' is the topic of the day. By reading about it and using my computer to prepare for assignments, I was able to learn more than required. Now I am going to present 'organic' at the Green Hill Library as I feel more knowledgeable."
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5. How could my teaching style have been improved? What are ways I could have presented material, engaged students, or initiated dialogue that would have enriched the experience?

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"Your teaching style demonstrated your dedication, organization abilities, intellect and knowledge of the subject you presented. Your class syllabus, and all the materials presented to the class, demonstrated your thorough research and preparation for your class. It was a privilege to be in your class.

"Involving students in discussions was productive, but some students will always hold back; it is their nature. A survey sheet with different topics for discussion might bring some into the mix."
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"We studied a lot of infor that was great but maybe just a little less data."
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"This is not criticism. You were keen, energetic and eager to learn about a subject that is very difficult. You were not frightened to ask the students questions, you listened, and accepted advice. (Without giving the impression that you know more than you did.)"
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"You have conducted these sessions in an excellent manner - you have presented the subject at the beginning of each session and then allowed each participant to contribut her/her experiences. You have prepared food samples to support your advocacy; you have taken the class on several field trips and all that in a very short time."
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6. If the goals of this course include:
  • to inspire students to be excited about the wide variety of nourishing foods
  • to expose students to new fields of learning
  • to equip students to enrich their families and communities
  • to bring students together to build thoughtful friendships

How well did this course meet them? How could it have met them better? What are goals you would add?

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"The wide variety of foods was demonstrated by trips, lectures, eating, films, demonstrations, and class interaction.


  • To set a time for students to meet in the future and discuss any new idea or discovery.
  • To have one student (a volunteer) to contact students about food experiences for future interaction. Example (1. Trip to a market - farmers. 2. Trip to a restaurant.)"

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"Benjamin gave us a perfect example of leadership, Christian values and ways to help others."
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"It worked well. The only thing I think could be improved was do not try to cram too much material into 1 hour sessions. It would be find for 2 hour sessions.

"When you buy regular potatoes from supermarkets. Do not take the ones on top. Dig down because strip lights cause them to become very poisonous. Store in cool dark place. In paper bags."
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"Certainly in my humble standard, you deserve an A+. I could dream of something extra, that is, with each of the participants prepare his favorite dish. All each to bring as his cultural heritage the atmosphere that usually accompany that meal - be it humor, music, or fun."
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These comments have only been edited in two places to keep personal thought personal.

Knowles Senior Center
Class Evaluation

The following results are from the evaluation
developed by Knowles Senior Center for
of all of their programs.

Presentation: (5-4-3-2-1-n/a)
The speaker was prepared............5...5...5...5...5
The speaker was knowledgeable
..of the subject....................5...5...5...5...5
The speaker projected his/her
..voice so all could hear...........5...5...5...5...5
The speaker held my attention.......5...5...5...5...5

I learned something new.............5...4...4...5...5
The topic was what I expected
..(It was as advertised)............5...5...4...5...5
The subject was presented in an
..appropriate manner................5...5...4...5...5

The room temperature was
There were enough seats.............5...5...4...5...5
The seats were comfortable..........5...4...4...5...5
The room was ready when I

The staff was courteous and
The staff took care of my needs in
..regard to the specific program....5...5...4...5...5

The food was tasty..................5..n/a..4...5...5
The food temperature was correct....5..n/a..4...X...5
The food was served in sanitary
There was enough food for the
..persons present...................5..n/a..4...5...5

The program fee was appropriate.....5..n/a..X...5..n/a
The food costs were appropriate.....5..n/a..X...5..n/a

Overall Program: (Yes-OK-No)
I had a good time...................Y...Y...Y...Y...Y
I would attend similar programs
..in the future.....................Y...Y...Y...Y...Y
I will tell others about
..this program......................Y...Y...X...Y...Y

"The food we eat can make us healthy and immune if we are abreast with the new discoveries that keep appearing. This short course presented up to date material, brought about by food specialists and we were take on explorative trips to view and experience first hand."
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"Each class program was a stand alone project on its own. Good variety and guest presenters were excellent."
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"Benjamin was the teacher we have had at SCI."
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"Have Benjamin here more!"

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